Religious Education
“His disciples gathered around him, and he began to teach them” – Matthew 5:1-2
Faith formation and education are necessary components of evangelization. This ministry flows from the witness Jesus himself gave to us.
St. Linus Parish understands that formation in our faith is life long. It is important for adults as well as children to continually grow in our relationship with God and the Church. We also recognize that our beliefs often run counter to the present culture in which we live. We therefore support our families in their important and difficult responsibility of passing on and living the faith.
Religious Formation is more than factual learning. It involves providing every person the opportunity to have an authentic encounter with God. This is the reason we provide a variety of classes, opportunities for prayer, share the scriptures, attend Mass and Adoration.
Here are some of our opportunities to encounter Jesus:
Family Formation will meet 5 times a year. Families will attend with their Religious Formation students during their regular class times as noted on the calendar.
Adult Formation varies with different studies, programs, prayer opportunities, First Friday Adoration and much more. Look in the Bulletin for up to date opportunities.
If you would like more information on the Education Commission please contact Fr. Patrick M. Stoffer at (313)274-4500.
Children's Liturgy of the Word
This is an invitation to all children in grades one through five to come and join us on Sundays for the Children’s Liturgy of the Word sessions that take place during the 11 am mass here at St. Linus Parish. There is no registration fee, and you do not need to register your child for the sessions. Just come to mass on the dates that you see below and Fr. Patrick will invite the children to come forward and receive a blessing. Then they will proceed to Room #104 where they will hear the gospel on their own level, make a poster board for all to see on what they learned and return to church during the Offertory Procession.
Family Faith
“His disciples gathered around him, and he began to teach them” – Matthew 5:1-2
Faith formation and education are necessary components of evangelization. This ministry flows from the witness Jesus himself gave us.
St. Linus Parish understands that formation in our faith is life long. It is important for adults as well as children to continually grow in our relation ship with God and the Church. We also recognize that our beliefs often run counter to the present culture in which we live. We therefore support our families in their important and difficult responsibility of passing on and living the faith.
Family Faith will meet twice each month. Families will attend a session together once a month and students will attend an additional session once a month on their own.
Please note that, as always, families must be practicing Catholics (weekly mass attendance) and registered at St. Linus Parish. Families of other Catholic Parishes are welcome if space is available. Tuition is $85.00 per student for parishioners and $150.00 for non-parishioners. Tuition is non-refundable.
Sacramental Preparation
Sacramental preparation classes help those interested in the Catholic faith to prepare for the reception of the sacraments, including Baptism, Reconciliation, the Eucharist, Confirmation, and Holy Matrimony.
For the younger members of our parish, there are baptism preparation classes for the parents and godparents of children about to be baptized, and preparation classes for first and second graders who will receive First Reconciliation and the Eucharist. At the sixth and seventh grade levels, classes prepare students for the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation.
Adults seeking to complete their sacraments or who are seeking to join the Church can attend RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation) sessions. Classes are also available for adult Catholics who have not yet received the sacrament of Confirmation.
Finally, preparation sessions are required for those adults who are seeking to be married in the Church.
Those seeking information about the preparation of children for the sacraments of Reconciliation, the Eucharist and Confirmation should contact Religious Formation Director Shannon Pryce at Those wishing to arrange for the Baptism of a child, or for sacramental preparation of converts seeking to enter the Church should contact the parish office.
Finally, those seeking preparation for the sacrament of Marriage should contact Father Patrick M. Stoffer at or at the parish office (313)274-4500.
Have You Thought About Becoming a Catholic?
Are you searching for something in life?
What does it mean to believe in God?
What does it mean to have a relationship with Jesus Christ?
How is your life different if you believe in God and have a relationship with Jesus?
If you know anyone who is asking (or should be asking) these questions, tell them about our RCIA process here at St. Linus. Those who participate in the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) come to understand that there is much more to life than what we can just see, hear or touch – more than we can encounter at a mall, at the movies, or in front of a TV screen. They learn that there is meaning to life that helps us to understand more about ourselves, our purpose, and our ultimate destiny. They learn about the saving grace of Jesus Christ that permeates all that they are and all that they do. And they learn how they can come to know Jesus through the Catholic Church which welcomes all people into relationship with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and with one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.
Classes are scheduled each Thursday from September to Easter at 6 P.M. So, if you know someone who would benefit from this process, tell them to give the RCIA a try. Contact RCIA Coordinator by email at or by phone at 313-212-2431 to find out how you can join us in this search.